Gluten Free Sun-Dried Tomato Wrap – Flavoring your wraps

Today at the market, I stopped to pick up something for my Love’s lunch tomorrow along with some fruit and herbs. As I was looking around, I noticed (once again) the fridge of fresh spinach-wrapped or tomato-wrapped sandwiches lined up… and looking tasty. It was then that I knew I had to stop *thinking* about making the flavor-packed, fresh-herb punched-up wraps, and just do it.

And man, am I glad I did!

I guess I don’t just leave well-enough alone.
But in this case, I’m very glad I didn’t.

I had the best gluten-free, brown rice salad, avocado and ham sandwich today all wrapped up in a super-thin sun-dried tomato, whole grain wrap. And the recipe? Why you already have the basics of it here. What I worked out today was how to add flavor boosts to the wrap with fresh herbs, spinach or sun-dried tomatoes.

Last night we had Cherry burgers with the lavash wrap as our buns. The only thing I did differently was divide the recipe further and I made individual wraps as thinly as possible. By NOT putting all of the dough on one parchment, the wraps were much thinner (and cooked faster). (Each recipe made 6 individual large wraps (like burrito-sized tortillas.) They were a perfect addition to dinner.

Today I used dry-packed sun-dried tomatoes for one of the recipes. (If you wish to use the oil-packed variety, the omit the oil called for in the recipe.) I also have a great basil and pine nut wrap ready for dinner and tomorrow’s lunches.

And all of this work? All of this bread making? It has taken me about 30 minutes (with baking time) to make 4 large jelly roll/cookie sheets of wraps. How did I manage to do this so fast? Speed up your baking by prepping your mixes. (Mary Frances has a great post about it here.) Since I make the lavash wraps as our standard/basic for pizzas, pitas, wraps, etc, I make sets of the dry mix up at one time. This helps me cut back on my time for cooking – and makes me MUCH more likely to eat something healthy from the kitchen rather than snack away.

So back to the flavor-boosting, you say?

Okay. No problem.

The ingredients listed in bold-type are different than those in the lavash wrap recipe. While the basics are the same (sorghum, millet, etc), the liquids are different and there is an addition of baking powder to lighten the bread further. We’ve been adding the baking powder to the lavash recipe to make super thin pizza crusts which we love with just fresh basil and fresh mozzarella with a bit of sea salt. OH YEA! Gluten Free is so good!

Gluten-Free Sun-Dried Tomato Wraps
Recipe makes 2 large thin wraps + 1 individual burrito-sized wrap (OR just 2 large, but not quite as thin)
1/4 cup sorghum flour
1/4 cup millet flour
1/4 cup potato starch (NOT flour)
1/4 cup tapioca starch
1 Tablespoons yeast
1 Tablespoon dried minced onion
2 Tablespoons powdered buttermilk or non-dairy powdered milk
2 teaspoons xanthan gum
1 teaspoon fennel, oregano
1/2 teaspoon sea salt
1 teaspoon GF baking powder
1 1/4 cup of warm water (+/- tablespoons of water, depending on your flours)
1 Tablespoon agave nectar or honey or sugar or 1/2 teaspoon stevia powder
1 Tablespoon olive oil
1 teaspoon apple cider vinegar
1/3 generous cup (or 1 ounce) dry-packed sun-dried tomatoes (If using oil-packed sun-dried tomatoes, consider lessening or omitting the oil called for in the recipe.)
2 tablespoons tomato paste (Optional – for stronger tomato flavor-boost. HOWEVER, if you omit it, you will need to lessen your water by 1/4 cup.)


  1. Preheat oven to 350F.
  2. Mix together all dry ingredients (sorghum flour through baking powder).
  3. Finely chop the sun-dried tomatoes.
  4. Add sun-dried tomatoes to warmed water and allow to soak for 2 minutes or so until tender and refreshed.
  5. Add agave (or honey or sugar), oil (if using dry-packed), vinegar and tomato paste to water/tomato mixture. Stir well.
  6. Add to dry ingredients and mix on medium-high for 1-2 minutes.
  7. Use a wet spatula to smooth out 1/2 the dough on to a large cookie sheet or jelly roll pan lined with parchment paper or a silpat. Here’s a picture of how much dough was left in the pan after the first wrap was smoothed out.

    Gluten Free Sun-dried tomato wrap

    Here’s a picture of how thinly you can get the dough. Just remember to continually re-wet the spatula in water and be patient.

    Gluten Free Sun-dried tomato wrap

  8. Bake at 350F for 10-11 minutes. Here’s a picture of comparing the texture/appearance of two wraps. The one on the left was baked for 12-13 minutes and then one of the right was baked for 10 minutes.
  9. GF Sun-dried tomato wrap - Baking Time comparison

  10. Allow to cool slightly and then you can easily peel the wrap off the silpat or the parchment. If, while you are lifting, the wrap begins to tear, stop and lift from the other side. It will come off smoothly/easily – no worries!
  11. Store in an airtight container or baggie on the counter. This wrap recipe (and the lavash wrap) work beautifully for sandwiches for the next 2-3 days.

You can easily make the next’s days lunch/sandwich the night before and refrigerate your lunch box. (This is what we do.) It remains flexible and tasty. AND, I don’t have to get up wickedly early in the morning. Everything is packed and ready to go in the fridge. Wahoo!

For other flavor variations, try these ideas – or post your own for others to try too!

  1. For Basil infused wraps: ADDITIONS: Add 1/2 cup fresh basil to 1 cup of water and blend in a blender until smooth. Add this liquid to the dry mix plus sweetener, oil and vinegar. Add black pepper and 3 tablespoons of toasted pine nuts, ground. OMIT: Fennel, Oregano, Tomato paste and lessen water
  2. For Spinach-wraps: ADDITION: Add 1/2 cup fresh spinach leaves to 1 cup of water. Blend together in a blender until smooth. Add this liquid to the dry mix plus sweetener, oil and vinegar. Add 1/2 teaspoon garlic powder (or add 1-2 cloves to the spinach/water to puree) and 1/2 teaspoon black pepper. OMIT: Fennel, Oregano, Tomato paste and lessen water.

What are your favorite wrap flavors?
These are only the ones I’ve tried so far. I can’t wait to try more!
On with the experimenting –


  1. I’ve got to get those jelly roll pans!

  2. Rochelle says:

    I keep meaning to try your lavash recipe using Pamela’s baking mix for the flours — it also includes buttermilk already, so it might be a shortcut alternative to premixing the flours. Thanks your your great recipes! Rochelle

  3. This looks amazing! I use the lavash recipe ALL the time now and LOVE it. I will definately try the ‘new’ version! Thanks:)

  4. youre killing me!!!! I’m dying to get into the kitchen but I’m not strong enough to be able to balance for long enough to make bread yet but I’ve been DYING for some!! I can’t wait to get back in the kitchen and experiment!

  5. These look great. Being able to take a sandwich would be lovely. Where do you get your powdered buttermilk? Thanks!

    Hi Erica –
    I buy my powdered buttermilk at the local grocers. Both carry a general brand and one of them carries an organic buttermilk powder that we like too. It lasts quite a while. You can find it near the powdered milk(s) in the cooking/baking aisle. 🙂

  6. Kate-
    Thank you very much for your response to my powdered buttermilk question. I shall go look in the baking aisle.

  7. Okay, clearly I need to keep up with my google reader subscriptions. I’ve been searching high and low for a recipe I could use for wraps that stayed flexible and tasted good. (I find that food for life’s tortillas, along with breaking apart easily, taste sort of not great.)

    Googling was finding me nothing… and all I had to do was just visit here. 🙂

    One question if you have a moment- what do you find happens after 2-3 days? Goes soggy? slightly stale? grows mold? Would vacuum sealing them help? I’m taking an extended backcountry backpacking trip in the fall and wanted to pack around something tortilla-like in my bag, but not if it’s going to go soggy and moldy on me after a couple of days. I’ll be out at least a week, and don’t fancy carrying moldy bread around, even in an odor-proof bag.

    LOL – I wouldn’t want to be lugging moldy bread around with me either. But dont’ worry – it’ doesn’t get soggy or moldy (if you pack it in a baggie once it’s been cooled thus no condensation). It does become less flexible though. I find myself folding it up before I store it andthen it’s a snap to use. And after 3 days or so, it’s usually not around. However on the rare occassion that it is, we just use it for chips (toasted under the broiler briefly with olive oil/salt in pieces) or I toast it. It goes great with soups, etc. 🙂

    -Hope that helps!

  8. I’m so excited. I have a BBQ to go to tonight and I need something quick and easy to make so that I don’t starve. I can’t wait to eat these!!!

  9. I made up a batch of your lavash bread and have been making it ever since. I flavored it with cumin and black pepper and let it rise a bit for mock pita wedges to serve with hummus. And have been mixing it up with a little brown sugar, dried currants, and cinnamon for a peanut butter breakfast wrap. Fantastic! I also pulled your angelfood cake recipe out and made that on Monday night. My husband said it was the best thing I have baked since cutting out the wheat!

  10. So I goofed and the angelfood cake is totally Sheri’s recipe ( and you have to try it. I’ve been perusing both of your archives lately because of all of your wonderful G-F recipes.

    No worries, Zilla! Thanks for telling me where I can find a great Angel Food Cake recipe! I agree – her’s is great as is Natalie’s (Gluten Free Mommy). 🙂 – Kate

  11. Do you know what it would take to alter this to use regular flour? I realize this is a gluten-free website, but it’s also the ONLY site I’ve been able to find with a recipe for wraps. If it’s not possible to make them with regular flour, I’ll give it a go just as it’s written, but I don’t usually have the other flours on hand.

    Oh! Mrs. Basil E. Frankweiler! I LOVED teaching that book when I taught elementary school. 🙂

    Okay..back to the baking……
    You’re not the first person to ask me how to convert my gluten-free recipes to gluten ones. To be honest, I haven’t used gluten flours since going gluten free over 8 years ago now. I imagine that you *could* use gluten flours in lieu of the gluten free flours and starches as well as omitting the xanthan gum called for in a recipe. You may need to use a (1) low gluten flour and (2) more liquid.
    Sorry I can’t give you more help here. LOL 🙂 – Kate

  12. I made these and want to say thanks for all of your hard work tweaking the original recipe. I agree that the thinner the better. I used the “leftovers” tonight to do some wraps and they were still lovely and flexible. I wonder if adding a bit of gelatin would give it some chewiness? I’ll try that next. This is the closest thing I’ve made to tortillas since going GF. You’ve given me hope:)

  13. I just found your recipe…and Thank God!! I have to eat everything gluten-free. I was looking for a tasteful, large wrap at the Health Food store…and nothing. I use these wraps for everything. Chicken Ceasar salad wrap, Mexican Beef wrap, even a simple garden salad I put in a wrap. It’s easy, neat, just grab my meals for the day. It’s all under wraps!! Thank You

  14. I’m new to the GF world, and am LOVING your blog. I just made this, but put it on one large cookie sheet. I added the sun dried tomatoes, oregano, dried onions, and a dash of basil. Right out of the oven, I smeared a couple of squares with cream cheese. I want to eat the whole pan right now! Thank you so much for making going GF a whole lot easier.


  1. […] recipes in my kitchen for longer than a day or so.  Some favourites are Kate’s pita bread, sandwich wraps and cheesy quinoa crackers.  And those are only a […]

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